How Do You Deep Clean Wood Floors?

Many businesses across a variety of industries have tile flooring. Tile floors are an extremely traditional floor material. In terms of cleaning them, you can use a commercial vacuum most of the time to handle quick cleanings. This should be routine especially based on how much foot traffic you have at your business and the type of business you run (for example restaurants might need to clean more often because of messes made by customers compared to an office). But while vacuuming is often part of a business’s daily/weekly tasks, deep cleaning like scrubbing your floors should be done routinely as well. In this article, we will discuss methods for preserving and deep cleaning tile floors for businesses. If you need help choosing the right floor care equipment for your business, please give our team a call. 

How Often Do Businesses Need To Scrub Tile Floors?

The frequency you clean your business’ tile floors can differ based on the type of business and the daily foot traffic. Daily cleanings are recommended for businesses that have heavy foot traffic or for areas of a business that have higher traffic. But outside of quick daily cleaning objectives with a commercial vacuum, you should consider scrubbing your tile floors and cleaning the grout every three to six months. This can help prevent the grout from getting stained and/or trapping odors, and can help the tile look as good as new. 

How Do You Clean Tile/Grout Floors For Your Business

Like with cleaning hardwood floors or other flooring materials, you will want to prep the area first. Using a vacuum can remove loose dirt and debris from the tile and grout, which will make it easier to clean. 

In terms of cleaning products, you will need a tile and grout cleaning solution that is formulated for that floor type. Make sure to follow the instructions regarding the application. To clean the floors you should scrub the tiles with a floor scrubbing machine. Here at Bissell BigGreen Commercial, we sell machines that have interchangeable brushes and pads so that you can both scrub and polish tile & grout. 

Once the tiles have been cleaned thoroughly, you can rinse the floor with clean water to remove any of the dirt/debris that was stripped off the tiles and then dry the floor. To avoid disrupting business operations, it is recommended that this is done before or after operating hours. Cleaning after hours makes it easier to dry the floor overnight. Another great option for drying floors is to use a machine like the Hurricone which acts as both a wet floor sign and a fan. 

Tile & Grout Cleaning Equipment For Businesses

Bissell BigGreen Commercial works with businesses including both facilities directly and cleaning companies to provide high-quality cleaning equipment that can be used to effectively and efficiently clean up different floor materials, carpets, and furniture. For more information and recommendations on the right equipment for your business, please contact our team.